7 up is also a
game often played in classrooms. 7 people are chosen from the class to stand up, and the rest of the class puts their head down on their desks so they can't see, and sticks out their hand with a
thumb pointing up. Each of the seven people touch one person's thumb each. When they're all done and have assembled at the front, a signal is given and everyone opens their eyes. Those who have been poked stand up and in turn try to guess (they have one
guess only) who touched them. If they guess right, they get to be one of the seven. If not, the person who touched them gets to stay up. The correct answers are not revealed until everyone has guessed, so that it doesn't become drastically easier for the last person to guess.
The sitting class tries to listen to
footsteps, identify the person by the feel of their touch on your thumb, and psych out likely strategy from the seven people.
The seven, in turn, try to psych people out by walking around unnecessarily, barely touching the thumb or almost hitting it if you might be seen as a light touch, "accidentally" speaking aloud far away from your
victim.. It's usually a lot of fun for a few rounds at least, particularly when the alternative is classwork. A crowd-pleasing favourite of
substitute teachers.