A True and Faithful Relation, a collection of the diaries and writings of Dr.
John Dee was published by
Meric Casaubon in
1659, fifty years after Dee's death.
In so doing, Casaubon was hoping to discredit Dee, who was then a revered mathematician and philosopher, as revenge against the Puritan government, by attacking one of the fundamental tenants of the faith: that individuals could receive spiritual guidance directly from divine sources.
He was quite successful in destroying Dee's reputation, by painting him as a worker of Black Magic. Despite this, we owe Casaubon a great debt for providing us with many copies of Dee's work, which would otherwise have been unavailable to us today.
The 500 page True and Faithful Relation is one of the most remarkable magical records of all time. This branch of magic is sometimes called Enochian Magic, as The Book of Enoch deals quite directly with summoning angels, and was one of Dee's primary sources. The book contains not only records of Dee's conversations with various angels, but also all the diagrams and methodologies necessary to summon angles, and a good description of the angelic language also called Enochian.
The title page follows. The spelling errors below are correct transcriptions.
A True & Faithful
What passed for many Yeers Between
Dr. John Dee
(A Mathematician of Great Fame in Q. Eliz.
and King James their Reignes) and
Some Spirits :
Tending (had it Succeeded)
To a General Alteration of most STATES and
KINGDOMS in the World.
His Private Conferences with Rodolphe Emperor of Germany, Stephen
K. of Poland, and divers other Princes about it.
The Particulars of his Cause, as it was agitated in the Emperors Court;
By the Popes Intervention: His Banishment, and Restoration in part.
As Also
The Letters of Sundry Great Men
and Princes (some whereof were present at some of these
Conferences and Apparitions of Spirits :) to the said D.Dee.
Out Of
The Original Copy, written with Dr. Dees own
Hand: Kept in the LIBRARY of
Sir THO. COTTON, K t. Baronet.
Confirming the Reality (as to the Point of Spirits) of
This RELATION: and shewing the several good Uses that
a Sober Christian may make of All.
Meric Casaubon, D.D.
Printed by D. Maxwell, for T. Garthwait, and sold at the Little
North door of S. Pauls, and by other Stationers. 1659.