Bob's Space Racers is one of the oldest surviving producers of redemption machines and electromechanical games.
The company was founded in 1968 by Bob and Joyce Cassata (with the help of the then teenaged Jack Mendes). Their first product was called the Space Racer, it was a multiplayer electromechanical game that involved racing replica Apollo space ships on a cosmic style background. After the first moon landing they made a water gun game based around the idea of the Lunar Lander descending onto the moon. This worked by having multiple players shoot at a target, which caused their ship to move. That was the first ever game of that type, although the genre is very common at theme parks today.
They hit gold in 1971 with Whac-a-Mole, the game where you knock down little mole heads with a padded mallet, this game is still in production today. They went on to manufacture many different groundbreaking redemption machines, and are one of the leading companies in that industry.
Today they have over a 100 employees and produce nearly 30 different titles, which are sold to arcades, Fun Centers, and Theme Parks world wide. They are located in Florida, where they have a large showroom, and manufacturing area.
Bob's Space Racers titles
This lists only titles which are currently in production.