Principia Discordia
It is an Old Erisian Tradition to never ever ever agree with one another about Saints.*
"Everybody understands Mickey Mouse.
Few understand Hermann Hesse.
Only a handful understood Albert Einstein.
And nobody understood Emperor Norton I."
-- slogan of Joshua Norton Cabal of San Francisco
- Saint Second Class
To be reserved for all human beings deserving of Sainthood.
Example: St. Norton the First, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico (his grave near San Francisco is an official POEE shrine.)
- Lance Saint
Good Saint material and definitely inspiring.
Example: St. Yossarian (Catch 22, Joseph Heller)
- Lieutenant Saint
Excellent Goddess-Saturated Saint.
Example: St. Quixote (Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes)
- Brigadier Saint
Comparable to Lt. St. but has an established following (fictional and/or factual).
Example: St. Bokonon (Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut)
- Five Star Saint
The Five Apostles of Eris.
Note: The last four of the above categories are reserved for fictional(‽) beings who, not being actual, are more capable of perfection.
Note2: Cabbages can never ever ever be Discordian Saints. Ever. Other Brassica members can, however. For instance, St. Sprout of Brussels.
*I don't even agree with this writeup, and I wrote it.
Omnia Discordia
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