Coleen Rowley is the US
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Special Agent, and Minneapolis Chief Division
Counsel, who availed herself of the
Federal Whistleblower Protection law to write a detailed and insightful memo revealing the FBI headquarters'
institutional bias against investigating
Islamic terrorism. She wrote an
open letter to the FBI Director, which happily may reproduced here under
fair use. The full letter is some 13 pages, this version was edited and appeared in
Time magazine.
While it contains misspellings, and is at times a little over the top, (for example, quoting the Webster's Dictionary definition of "careerism" to the Director of the FBI), it is on the whole a polite, carefully reasoned, compelling, and chilling, read.
May 21, 2002
FBI Director Robert Mueller
FBI Headquarters Washington, D.C.
Dear Director Mueller:
I feel at this point that I have to put my concerns in writing concerning
the important topic of the FBI's response to evidence of terrorist activity
in the United States prior to September 11th. The issues are fundamentally ones
of INTEGRITY and go to the heart of the FBI's law enforcement mission and mandate.
Moreover, at this critical juncture in fashioning future policy to promote the
most effective handling of ongoing and future threats to United States citizens'
security, it is of absolute importance that an unbiased, completely accurate
picture emerge of the FBI's current investigative and management strengths and
To get to the point, I have deep concerns that a delicate and subtle shading/skewing
of facts by you and others at the highest levels of FBI management has occurred
and is occurring. The term "cover up" would be too strong a characterization
which is why I am attempting to carefully (and perhaps over laboriously) choose
my words here. I base my concerns on my relatively small, peripheral but unique
role in the Moussaoui investigation in the Minneapolis Division prior to, during
and after September 11th and my analysis of the comments I have heard both inside
the FBI (originating, I believe, from you and other high levels of management)
as well as your Congressional testimony and public comments.
I feel that certain facts, including the following, have, up to now, been
omitted, downplayed, glossed over and/or mis-characterized in an effort to avoid
or minimize personal and/or institutional embarrassment on the part of the FBI
and/or perhaps even for improper political reasons:
1) The Minneapolis agents who responded to the call about Moussaoui's flight
training identified him as a terrorist threat from a very early point. The decision
to take him into custody on August 15, 2001, on the INS "overstay" charge was
a deliberate one to counter that threat and was based on the agents' reasonable
suspicions. While it can be said that Moussaoui's overstay status was fortuitous,
because it allowed for him to be taken into immediate custody and prevented
him receiving any more flight training, it was certainly not something the INS
coincidentally undertook of their own volition. I base this on the conversation
I had when the agents called me at home late on the evening Moussaoui was taken
into custody to confer and ask for legal advice about their next course of action.
The INS agent was assigned to the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force and was
therefore working in tandem with FBI agents.
2) As the Minneapolis agents' reasonable suspicions quickly ripened into probable
cause, which, at the latest, occurred within days of Moussaoui's arrest when
the French Intelligence Service confirmed his affiliations with radical fundamentalist
Islamic groups and activities connected to Osama Bin Laden, they became desperate
to search the computer laptop that had been taken from Moussaoui as well as
conduct a more thorough search of his personal effects. The agents in particular
believed that Moussaoui signaled he had something to hide in the way he refused
to allow them to search his computer.
3) The Minneapolis agents' initial thought was to obtain a criminal search
warrant, but in order to do so, they needed to get FBI Headquarters' (FBIHQ's)
approval in order to ask for DOJ OIPR's approval to contact the United States
Attorney's Office in Minnesota. Prior to and even after receipt of information
provided by the French, FBIHQ personnel disputed with the Minneapolis agents
the existence of probable cause to believe that a criminal violation had occurred/was
occurring. As such, FBIHQ personnel refused to contact OIPR to attempt to get
the authority. While reasonable minds may differ as to whether probable cause
existed prior to receipt of the French intelligence information, it was certainly
established after that point and became even greater with successive, more detailed
information from the French and other intelligence sources. The two possible
criminal violations initially identified by Minneapolis Agents were violations
of Title 18 United States Code Section 2332b (Acts of terrorism transcending
national boundaries, which, notably, includes "creating a substantial risk of
serious bodily injury to any other person by destroying or damaging any structure,
conveyance, or other real or personal property within the United States or by
attempting or conspiring to destroy or damage any structure, conveyance, or
other real or personal property within the United States") and Section 32 (Destruction
of aircraft or aircraft facilities). It is important to note that the actual
search warrant obtained on September 11th was based on probable cause of a violation
of Section 32.1 Notably also, the actual
search warrant obtained on September 11th did not include the French intelligence
information. Therefore, the only main difference between the information being
submitted to FBIHQ from an early date which HQ personnel continued to deem insufficient
and the actual criminal search warrant which a federal district judge signed
and approved on September 11th, was the fact that, by the time the actual warrant
was obtained, suspected terrorists were known to have highjacked planes which
they then deliberately crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
To say then, as has been iterated numerous times, that probable cause did not
exist until after the disasterous event occurred, is really to acknowledge that
the missing piece of probable cause was only the FBI's (FBIHQ's) failure to
appreciate that such an event could occur. The probable cause did not otherwise
improve or change. When we went to the United States Attorney's Office that
morning of September 11th, in the first hour after the attack, we used a disk
containing the same information that had already been provided to FBIHQ; then
we quickly added Paragraph 19 which was the little we knew from news reports
of the actual attacks that morning. The problem with chalking this all up to
the "20-20 hindsight is perfect" problem, (which I, as all attorneys who have
been involved in deadly force training or the defense of various lawsuits are
fully appreciative of), is that this is not a case of everyone in the FBI failing
to appreciate the potential consequences. It is obvious, from my firsthand knowledge
of the events and the detailed documentation that exists, that the agents in
Minneapolis who were closest to the action and in the best position to gauge
the situation locally, did fully appreciate the terrorist risk/danger posed
by Moussaoui and his possible co-conspirators even prior to September 11th.
Even without knowledge of the Phoenix communication (and any number of other
additional intelligence communications that FBIHQ personnel were privy to in
their central coordination roles), the Minneapolis agents appreciated the risk.
So I think it's very hard for the FBI to offer the "20-20 hindsight" justification
for its failure to act! Also intertwined with my reluctance in this case to
accept the "20-20 hindsight" rationale is first-hand knowledge that I have of
statements made on September 11th, after the first attacks on the World Trade
Center had already occurred, made telephonically by the FBI Supervisory Special
Agent (SSA) who was the one most involved in the Moussaoui matter and who, up
to that point, seemed to have been consistently, almost deliberately thwarting
the Minneapolis FBI agents' efforts (see number 5). Even after the attacks had
begun, the SSA in question was still attempting to block the search of Moussaoui's
computer, characterizing the World Trade Center attacks as a mere coincidence
with Misseapolis' prior suspicions about Moussaoui.2
4) In one of my peripheral roles on the Moussaoui matter, I answered an e-mail
message on August 22, 2001, from an attorney at the National Security Law Unit
(NSLU). Of course, with (ever important!) 20-20 hindsight, I now wish I had
taken more time and care to compose my response. When asked by NSLU for my "assessment
of (our) chances of getting a criminal warrant to search Moussaoui's computer",
I answered, "Although I think there's a decent chance of being able to get a
judge to sign a criminal search warrant, our USAO seems to have an even higher
standard much of the time, so rather than risk it, I advised that they should
try the other route." Leaked news accounts which said the Minneapolis Legal
Counsel (referring to me) concurred with the FBIHQ that probable cause was lacking
to search Moussaoui's computer are in error. (or possibly the leak was deliberately
skewed in this fashion?) What I meant by this pithy e-mail response, was that
although I thought probable cause existed ("probable cause" meaning that the
proposition has to be more likely than not, or if quantified, a 51% likelihood),
I thought our United States Attorney's Office, (for a lot of reasons including
just to play it safe) in regularly requiring much more than probable cause before
approving affidavits, (maybe, if quantified, 75%-80% probability and sometimes
even higher), and depending on the actual AUSA who would be assigned, might
turn us down. As a tactical choice, I therefore thought it would be better to
pursue the "other route" (the FISA search warrant) first, the reason being that
there is a common perception, which for lack of a better term, I'll call the
"smell test" which has arisen that if the FBI can't do something through straight-up
criminal methods, it will then resort to using less-demanding intelligence methods.
Of course this isn't true, but I think the perception still exists. So, by this
line of reasoning, I was afraid that if we first attempted to go criminal and
failed to convince an AUSA, we wouldn't pass the "smell test" in subsequently
seeking a FISA. I thought our best chances therefore lay in first seeking the
FISA. Both of the factors that influenced my thinking are areas arguably in
need of improvement: requiring an excessively high standard of probable cause
in terrorism cases and getting rid of the "smell test" perception. It could
even be argued that FBI agents, especially in terrorism cases where time is
of the essence, should be allowed to go directly to federal judges to have their
probable cause reviewed for arrests or searches without having to gain the USAO's
5) The fact is that key FBIHQ personnel whose job it was to assist and coordinate
with field division agents on terrorism investigations and the obtaining and
use of FISA searches (and who theoretically were privy to many more sources
of intelligence information than field division agents), continued to, almost
inexplicably,5 throw up roadblocks and undermine Minneapolis'
by-now desperate efforts to obtain a FISA search warrant, long after the French
intelligence service provided its information and probable cause became clear.
HQ personnel brought up almost ridiculous questions in their apparent efforts
to undermine the probable cause.6 In all of their conversations
and correspondence, HQ personnel never disclosed to the Minneapolis agents that
the Phoenix Division had, only approximately three weeks earlier, warned of
Al Qaeda operatives in flight schools seeking flight training for terrorist
Nor did FBIHQ personnel do much to disseminate the information about Moussaoui
to other appropriate intelligence/law enforcement authorities. When, in a desperate
11th hour measure to bypass the FBIHQ roadblock, the Minneapolis Division undertook
to directly notify the CIA's Counter Terrorist Center (CTC), FBIHQ personnel
actually chastised the Minneapolis agents for making the direct notification
without their approval!
6 ) Eventually on August 28, 2001, after a series of e-mails between Minneapolis
and FBIHQ, which suggest that the FBIHQ SSA deliberately further undercut the
FISA effort by not adding the further intelligence information which he had
promised to add that supported Moussaoui's foreign power connection and making
several changes in the wording of the information that had been provided by the Minneapolis Agent, the Minneapolis agents were notified that the NSLU Unit
Chief did not think there was sufficient evidence of Moussaoui's connection
to a foreign power. Minneapolis personnel are, to this date, unaware of the
specifics of the verbal presentations by the FBIHQ SSA to NSLU or whether anyone
in NSLU ever was afforded the opportunity to actually read for him/herself all
of the information on Moussaoui that had been gathered by the Minneapolis Division
and the French intelligence service. Obviously verbal presentations are far
more susceptible to mis-characterization and error. The e-mail communications
between Minneapolis and FBIHQ, however, speak for themselves and there are far
better witnesses than me who can provide their first hand knowledge of these
events characterized in one Minneapolis agent's e-mail as FBIHQ is "setting
this up for failure." My only comment is that the process of allowing the FBI
supervisors to make changes in affidavits is itself fundamentally wrong, just
as, in the follow-up to FBI Laboratory Whistleblower Frederic Whitehurst's allegations,
this process was revealed to be wrong in the context of writing up laboratory
results. With the Whitehurst allegations, this process of allowing supervisors
to re-write portions of laboratory reports, was found to provide opportunities
for over-zealous supervisors to skew the results in favor of the prosecution.
In the Moussaoui case, it was the opposite -- the process allowed the Headquarters
Supervisor to downplay the significance of the information thus far collected
in order to get out of the work of having to see the FISA application through
or possibly to avoid taking what he may have perceived as an unnecessary career
risk.7 I understand that the failures of the FBIHQ
personnel involved in the Moussaoui matter are also being officially excused
because they were too busy with other investigations, the Cole bombing and other
important terrorism matters, but the Supervisor's taking of the time to read
each word of the information submitted by Minneapolis and then substitute his
own choice of wording belies to some extent the notion that he was too busy.
As an FBI division legal advisor for 12 years (and an FBI agent for over 21
years), I can state that an affidavit is better and will tend to be more accurate
when the affiant has first hand information of all the information he/she must
attest to. Of necessity, agents must continually rely upon information from
confidential sources, third parties and other law enforcement officers in drafting
affidavits, but the repeating of information from others greatly adds to the
opportunities for factual discrepancies and errors to arise. To the extent that
we can minimize the opportunity for this type of error to arise by simply not
allowing unnecessary re-writes by supervisory staff, it ought to be done. (I'm
not talking, of course, about mere grammatical corrections, but changes of some
substance as apparently occurred with the Moussaoui information which had to
be, for lack of a better term, "filtered" through FBIHQ before any action, whether
to seek a criminal or a FISA warrant, could be taken.) Even after September
11th, the fear was great on the part of Minneapolis Division personnel that
the same FBIHQ personnel would continue their "filtering" with respect to the
Moussaoui investigation, and now with the added incentive of preventing their
prior mistakes from coming to light. For this reason, for weeks, Minneapolis
prefaced all outgoing communications (ECs) in the PENTTBOM investigation with
a summary of the information about Moussaoui. We just wanted to make sure the
information got to the proper prosecutive authorities and was not further suppressed!
This fear was probably irrational but was nonetheless understandable in light
of the Minneapolis agents' prior experiences and frustrations involving FBIHQ.
(The redundant preface information regarding Moussaoui on otherwise unrelative
PENTTBOM communications has ended up adding to criminal discovery issues, but
this is the reason it was done.)
7) Although the last thing the FBI or the country needs now is a witch hunt,
I do find it odd that (to my knowledge) no inquiry whatsoever was launched of
the relevant FBIHQ personnel's actions a long time ago. Despite FBI leaders'
full knowledge of all the items mentioned herein (and probably more that I'm
unaware of), the SSA, his unit chief, and other involved HQ personnel were allowed
to stay in their positions and, what's worse, occupy critical positions in the
FBI's SIOC Command Center post September 11th. (The SSA in question actually
received a promotion some months afterward!) It's true we all make mistakes
and I'm not suggesting that HQ personnel in question ought to be burned at the
stake, but, we all need to be held accountable for serious mistakes. I'm relatively
certain that if it appeared that a lowly field office agent had committed such
errors of judgment, the FBI's OPR would have been notified to investigate and
the agent would have, at the least, been quickly reassigned. I'm afraid the
FBI's failure to submit this matter to OPR (and to the IOB) gives further impetus
to the notion (raised previously by many in the FBI) of a double standard which
results in those of lower rank being investigated more aggressively and dealt
with more harshly for misconduct while the misconduct of those at the top is
often overlooked or results in minor disciplinary action. From all appearances,
this double standard may also apply between those at FBIHQ and those in the
8) The last official "fact" that I take issue with is not really a fact, but
an opinion, and a completely unsupported opinion at that. In the day or two
following September 11th, you, Director Mueller, made the statement to the effect
that if the FBI had only had any advance warning of the attacks, we (meaning
the FBI), may have been able to take some action to prevent the tragedy. Fearing
that this statement could easily come back to haunt the FBI upon revelation
of the information that had been developed pre-September 11th about Moussaoui,
I and others in the Minneapolis Office, immediately sought to reach your office
through an assortment of higher level FBIHQ contacts, in order to quickly make
you aware of the background of the Moussaoui investigation and forewarn you
so that your public statements could be accordingly modified. When such statements
from you and other FBI officials continued, we thought that somehow you had
not received the message and we made further efforts. Finally when similar comments
were made weeks later, in Assistant Director Caruso's congressional testimony
in response to the first public leaks about Moussaoui we faced the sad realization
that the remarks indicated someone, possibly with your approval, had decided
to circle the wagons at FBIHQ in an apparent effort to protect the FBI from
embarrassment and the relevant FBI officials from scrutiny. Everything I have
seen and heard about the FBI's official stance and the FBI's internal preparations
in anticipation of further congressional inquiry, had, unfortunately, confirmed
my worst suspicions in this regard. After the details began to emerge concerning
the pre-September 11th investigation of Moussaoui, and subsequently with the
recent release of the information about the Phoenix EC, your statement has changed.
The official statement is now to the effect that even if the FBI had followed
up on the Phoenix lead to conduct checks of flight schools and the Minneapolis
request to search Moussaoui's personal effects and laptop, nothing would have
changed and such actions certainly could not have prevented the terrorist attacks
and resulting loss of life. With all due respect, this statement is as bad as
the first! It is also quite at odds with the earlier statement (which I'm surprised
has not already been pointed out by those in the media!) I don't know how you
or anyone at FBI Headquarters, no matter how much genius or prescience you may
possess, could so blithely make this affirmation without anything to back the
opinion up than your stature as FBI Director. The truth is, as with most predictions
into the future, no one will ever know what impact, if any, the FBI's following
up on those requests, would have had. Although I agree that it's very doubtful
that the full scope of the tragedy could have been prevented, it's at least
possible we could have gotten lucky and uncovered one or two more of the terrorists
in flight training prior to September 11th, just as Moussaoui was discovered,
after making contact with his flight instructors. It is certainly not beyond
the realm of imagination to hypothesize that Moussaoui's fortuitous arrest alone,
even if he merely was the 20th hijacker, allowed the hero passengers of Flight
93 to overcome their terrorist hijackers and thus spare more lives on the ground.
And even greater casualties, possibly of our Nation's highest government officials,
may have been prevented if Al Qaeda intended for Moussaoui to pilot an entirely
different aircraft. There is, therefore at least some chance that discovery of
other terrorist pilots prior to September 11th may have limited the September
11th attacks and resulting loss of life. Although your conclusion otherwise
has to be very reassuring for some in the FBI to hear being repeated so often
(as if saying it's so may make it so), I think your statements demonstrate a
rush to judgment to protect the FBI at all costs. I think the only fair response
to this type of question would be that no one can pretend to know one way or
Mr. Director, I hope my observations can be taken in a constructive vein.
They are from the heart and intended to be completely apolitical. Hopefully,
with our nation's security on the line, you and our nation's other elected and
appointed officials can rise above the petty politics that often plague other
discussions and do the right thing. You do have some good ideas for change in
the FBI but I think you have also not been completely honest about some of the
true reasons for the FBI's pre-September 11th failures. Until we come clean
and deal with the root causes, the Department of Justice will continue to experience
problems fighting terrorism and fighting crime in general.
I have used the "we" term repeatedly herin to indicate facts about others
in the Minneapolis Office at critical times, but none of the opinions expressed
herin can be attributed to anyone but myself. I know that those who know me
would probably describe me as, by nature, overly opinionated and sometimes not
as discreet as I should be. Certainly some of the above remarks may be interpreted
as falling into that category, but I really do not intend anything as a personal
criticism of you or anyone else in the FBI, to include the FBIHQ personnel who
I believe were remiss and mishandled their duties with regard to the Moussaoui
investigation. Truly my only purpose is to try to provide the facts within my
purview so that an accurate assessment can be obtained and we can learn from
our mistakes. I have pointed out a few of the things that I think should be
looked at but there are many, many more.8 An honest
acknowledgment of the FBI's mistakes in this and other cases should not lead
to increasing the Headquarters bureaucracy and approval levels of investigative
actions as the answer. Most often, field office agents and field office management
on the scene will be better suited to the timely and effective solution of crimes
and, in some lucky instances, to the effective prevention of crimes, including
terrorism incidents. The relatively quick solving of the recent mailbox pipe-bombing
incidents which resulted in no serious injuries to anyone are a good example
of effective field office work (actually several field offices working together)
and there are hundreds of other examples. Although FBIHQ personnel have, no
doubt, been of immeasurable assistance to the field over the years, I'm hard
pressed to think of any case which has been solved by FBIHQ personnel and I
can name several that have been screwed up! Decision-making is inherently more
effective and timely when decentralized instead of concentrated.
Your plans for an FBI Headquarters' "Super Squad" simply fly in the face of
an honest appraisal of the FBI's pre-September 11th failures. The Phoenix, Minneapolis
and Paris Legal Attache Offices reacted remarkably exhibiting keen perception
and prioritization skills regarding the terrorist threats they uncovered or
were made aware of pre-September 11th. The same cannot be said for the FBI Headquarters'
bureaucracy and you want to expand that?! Should we put the counterterrorism
unit chief and SSA who previously handled the Moussaoui matter in charge of
the new "Super Squad"?! You are also apparently disregarding the fact the Joint
Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs), operating out of field divisions for years, (the
first and chief one being New York City's JTTF), have successfully handled numerous
terrorism investigations and, in some instances, successfully prevented acts
of terrorism. There's no denying the need for more and better intelligence and
intelligence management, but you should think carefully about how much gate
keeping power should be entrusted with any HQ entity. If we are indeed in a
"war", shouldn't the Generals be on the battlefield instead of sitting in a
spot removed from the action while still attempting to call the shots?
I have been an FBI agent for over 21 years and, for what it's worth, have
never received any form of disciplinary action throughout my career. From the
5th grade, when I first wrote the FBI and received the "100 Facts about the
FBI" pamphlet, this job has been my dream. I feel that my career in the FBI
has been somewhat exemplary, having entered on duty at a time when there was
only a small percentage of female Special Agents. I have also been lucky to
have had four children during my time in the FBI and am the sole breadwinner
of a family of six. Due to the frankness with which I have expressed myself
and my deep feelings on these issues, (which is only because I feel I have a
somewhat unique, inside perspective of the Moussaoui matter, the gravity of
the events of September 11th and the current seriousness of the FBI's and United
States' ongoing efforts in the "war against terrorism"), I hope my continued
employment with the FBI is not somehow placed in jeopardy. I have never written
to an FBI Director in my life before on any topic. Although I would hope it
is not necessary, I would therefore wish to take advantage of the federal "Whistleblower
Protection" provisions by so characterizing my remarks.
Coleen M. Rowley
Special Agent and Minneapolis Chief Division Counsel
1) And both of the violations originally cited in vain by
the Minneapolis agents disputing the issue with FBIHQ personnel are among those
on which Moussaoui is currently indicted.
2) Just minutes after I saw the first news of the World Trade Center attack(s), I was standing outside the office of Minneapolis ASAC M. Chris Briesse waiting for him to finish with a phone call, when he received a call on another line from this SSA. Since I figured I knew what the call may be about and wanted to ask, in light of the unfolding events and the apparent urgency of the situation, if we should now immediately attempt to obtain a criminal search warrant for Moussaoui's laptop and personal property, I took the call. I said something to the effect that, in light of what had just happened in New York, it would have to be the "hugest coincidence" at this point if Moussaoui was not involved with the terrorists. The SSA stated something to the effect that I had used the right term, "coincidence" and that this was probably all just a coincidence and we were to do nothing in Minneapolis until we got their (HQ's) permission because we might "screw up" something else going on elsewhere in the country.
4) Certainly Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure which begins, "Upon the request of a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government" does not contain this requirement. Although the practice that has evolved is that FBI agents must secure prior approval for any search or arrest from the United States Attorneys Office, the Federal Rule governing Search and Seizure clearly envisions law enforcement officers applying, on their own, for search warrants.
5) During the early aftermath of September 11th, when I happened to be recounting the pre-September 11th events concerning the Moussaoui investigation to other FBI personnel in other divisions or in FBIHQ, almost everyone's first question was "Why?--Why would an FBI agent(s) deliberately sabotage a case? (I know I shouldn't be flippant about this, but jokes were actually made that the key FBIHQ personnel had to be spies or moles, like Robert Hansen, who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden to have so undercut Minneapolis' effort.) Our best real guess, however, is that, in most cases avoidance of all "unnecessary" actions/decisions by FBIHQ managers (and maybe to some extent field managers as well) has, in recent years, been seen as the safest FBI career course. Numerous high-ranking FBI officials who have made decisions or have taken actions which, in hindsight, turned out to be mistaken or just turned out badly (i.e. Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc.) have seen their careers plummet and end. This has in turn resulted in a climate of fear which has chilled aggressive FBI law enforcement action/decisions. In a large hierarchal bureaucracy such as the FBI, with the requirement for numerous superiors approvals/oversight, the premium on career-enhancement, and interjecting a chilling factor brought on by recent extreme public and congressional criticism/oversight, and I think you will see at least the makings of the most likely explanation. Another factor not to be underestimated probably explains the SSA and other FBIHQ personnel's reluctance to act. And so far, I have heard no FBI official even allude to this problem-- which is that FBI Headquarters is staffed with a number of short term careerists* who, like the SSA in question, must only serve an 18 month-just-time-to-get-your-ticket-punched minimum. It's no wonder why very little expertise can be acquired by a Headquarters unit! (And no wonder why FBIHQ is mired in mediocrity! -- that maybe a little strong, but it would definitely be fair to say that there is unevenness in competency among Headquarters personnel.) (It's also a well known fact that the FBI Agents Association has complained for years about the disincentives facing those entering the FBI management career path which results in very few of the FBI's best and brightest choosing to go into management. Instead the ranks of FBI management are filled with many who were failures as street agents. Along these lines, let me ask the question, why has it suddenly become necessary for the Director to "handpick" the FBI management?) It's quite conceivable that many of the HQ personnel who so vigorously disputed Moussaoui's ability/predisposition to fly a plane into a building were simply unaware of all the various incidents and reports worldwide of Al Qaeda terrorists attempting or plotting to do so.
*By the way, just in the event you did not know, let me furnish you the Webster's definition of "careerism - - the policy or practice of advancing one's career often at the cost of one's integrity". Maybe that sums up the whole problem!
6) For example, at one point, the Supervisory Special Agent at FBIHQ posited that the French information could be worthless because it only identified Zacarias Moussaoui by name and he, the SSA, didn't know how many people by that name existed in France. A Minneapolis agent attempted to surmount that problem by quickly phoning the FBI's legal Attache (Legat) in Paris, France, so that a check could be made of the French telephone directories. Although the Legat in France did not have access to all of the French telephone directories, he was able to quickly ascertain that there was only one listed in the Paris directory. It is not known if this sufficiently answered the question, for the SSA continued to find new reasons to stall.
7) Another factor that cannot be underestimated as to the HQ Supervisor's apparent reluctance to do anything was/is the ever present risk of being "written up" for an Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) "error." In the year(s) preceding the September 11th acts of terrorism, numerous alleged IOB violations on the part of FBI personnel had to be submitted to the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) as well as the IOB. I believe the chilling effect upon all levels of FBI agents assigned to intelligence matters and their manager hampered us from aggressive investigation of terrorists. Since one generally only runs the risk of IOB violations when one does something, the safer course is to do nothing. Ironically, in this case, a potentially huge IOB violation arguably occurred due to FBIHQ's failure to act, that is, FBIHQ's failure to inform the Department of Justice Criminal Division of Moussaoui's potential criminal violations (which, as I've already said, were quickly identified in Minneapolis as violations of Title 18 United States Code Section 2332b Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries and Section 32 Destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities). This failure would seem to run clearly afoul of the Attorney General directive contained in the "1995 Procedures for Contacts Between the FBI and the Criminal Division Concerning Foreign Intelligence and Foreign Counterintelligence Investigations" which mandatorily require the FBI to notify the Criminal Division when "facts or circumstances are developed" in an FI or FCI investigation "that reasonably indicate that a significant federal crime has been, is being, or may be committed." I believe that Minneapolis agents actually brought this point to FBIHQ's attention on August 22, 2001, but HQ personnel apparently ignored the directive, ostensibly due to their opinion of the lack of probable cause. But the issue of whether HQ personnel deliberately undercut the probable cause can be sidestepped at this point because the Directive does not require probable cause. It requires only a "reasonable indication" which is defined as "substantially lower than probable cause." Given that the Minneapolis Division had accumulated far more than "a mere hunch" (which the directive would deem as insufficient), the information ought to have, at least, been passed on to the "Core Group" created to assess whether the information needed to be further disseminated to the Criminal Division. However, (and I don't know for sure), but to date, I have never heard that any potential violation of this directive has been submitted to the IOB or to the FBI's OPR. It should also be noted that when making determinations of whether items need to be submitted to the IOB, it is my understanding that NSLU normally used/uses a broad approach, erring, when in doubt, on the side of submitting potential violations.
8) For starters, if prevention rather than prosecution is to be our new main goal, (an objective I totally agree with), we need more guidance on when we can apply the Quarles "public safety" exception to Miranda's 5th Amendment requirements. We were prevented from even attempting to question Moussaoui on the day of the attacks when, in theory, he could have possessed further information about other co-conspirators.} (Apparently no government attorney believes there is a "public safety" exception in a situation like this?!)