I dreamt of E2.

Ok I admit it now. I'm addicted.

Yes It's true. I had a happy dream but then it turned into a nightmare.

Well I was sitting here, in my chair... And I look at my message inbox and there are messages from like all of like actually exchanging /msg with like all the best users and them all praising and C!ing me! My XP was climbing.

Cool Man Eddie says wertperch just cooled your writeup on hearing loss, baby

But then it turned bad.

Then suddenly really bad because they like killed all my write-ups with penalty and said I was too crazy for E2. I looked at my XP. -5555!!!!! Like OMG!

Klaproth says I ate your writeup People in glass houses should not throw stones. -7. Killed w/ penalty because you've been here long enough to know better. Node Heaven will become its new residence.
115 messages from my dear friend Klaproth. Every writeup killed. And several messages to leave.
Klaproth says You have been banned from E2. Pack your bags, don't stop to say goodbye just get the hell off this site and never come back!!!

...And then I woke up, shaking. Did I shower? No. Did I get dressed? No. Did I brush my hair? No. Did I brush my teeth? No.
Why? Because I hade to node.

Hi, my name is bluebird, and I'm a nodeaholic.

Future Fall of Rome

  • I'm sitting on the cement edge of a ruined building foundation, looking out from a hillside over the desolate expanse of a city in ruins. My friend Mario sits by my side and we discuss the scene before us. The architectural atmosphere is a surreal mix of the archaic, the futuristic and the post-Apocalyptic. To our left rises the immense decaying form of a Roman Colosseum; it's the size of a modern stadium and half the structure is missing, the interior exposed in our direction. The rest of the deserted city is likewise composed of ancient Roman ruins that have stood, empty of inhabitants, for millenia. But the paradox is that this is America in the near future, following a catastrophic war. Mario and I try to figure out this double contradiction. If this is America, why are the buildings Roman? If the city was abandoned after the recent war, why does it look like no one has lived here in the last thousand years? The puzzle is indecipherable and we return to our camp site nearby to prepare the morning meal with our friend, Thomas.
Only now do I see a possible interpretation of this dream in light of Terence McKenna's timewave theory. Modern America in the 21st century is playing the archetypal role of the Roman Empire at its political peak. Though the most powerful nation on Earth it stands on the very brink of destruction, unbeknownst to its government and citizens. Soon she will fall and the survivors will puzzle over the ruins that seem to have always been there.

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