The tops in homemade amusement park style entertainment is the Flying Fox.

In its simplest form a pulley is attached to a wire who's incline is slightly downhill so that the pulley rolls downwards on it's track. A person takes hold of the pulley and slides.

In its most complex and glorified incarnations it's still the same thing.

For your pleasure here's some ASCII art to describe the contraption. (Please note that in normal circumstances the wire would not be threaded through the participant's eye sockets.)

 o--------------------------- this is a wire
/|\                      that would normally
 \\                        be going downhill


            whee!  /|\               |
                   //                |
==                              ======
 |                               |

                              /|\    |
                              //     |

               "I made it!    --  o  |
                  I'm king of    /|\ |
                    the world!"  / \ |

nb. Some might suggest that the numerous laws of physics just trampled in my ASCII diagram render the diagram useless; but they would of course be wrong.

Name given to 200 species of pteropotid bats, known as pollinators, seed dispersers, and in some cultures, delicacies. They are found in the tropics of Asia, Australia, and Africa. They are all fruit bats (i.e., they don't eat insects) and they don't use echolocation (Some believe they have a distinct ancestor from bats and convergent evolution explains their similarities). Mostly nocturnal, they roost in trees in large colonies. A low reproductive rate, loss of habitat, and intensive hunting in some areas have put many flying fox species on the brink of extinction.

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