psychonauts, a hardhead is someone who needs a high
dose of a
substance to achieve the same
subjective effects as another person of similar
mass and
sex (that is, hardheadedness is figured on
mg/kg, not on raw dose). Some people see hardheadedness as a virtue (e.g., people who brag about how much they can drink before passing out); more serious users instead value working with the
ASC. More pragmatically, given the
artificial scarcity and high cost of most psychoactives, being a hardhead has distinct disadvantages.
A hardhead generally is resistant to most, or to a wide variety of,
drugs. People who can take a lot of one particular drug, especially if they commonly use it, are said to have a
Some reasons a person might be a hardhead:
•unusually efficient
metabolism of a class of chemicals
•Low population of a relevant
precence of an
endogenous chemical that blocks the relevant receptor
•unusually good
homeostatic mechanisms
habituation to
altered states
•Blunted perception of relevant bodily symptoms
•Habitually low awareness of emotional changes (
machismo or other motive for minimizing reports of drug's effects
•unusual degree of control over state of consciousness (coupled with some reason to minimize drug effects)