This node should probably be called
Food eaten in Israel instead,
since there are very few things that are specifically and only
as opposed to being
Arabic or otherwise
originating from one of the many places Israelis come from.
Still, out of all these
possible cuisines only a few food items have
actually become
popular, so here's a list of them.
Probably The Only Really Israeli Dish
Ubiquitous Fast Food
Who Needs Salads, We've Got Pastes
Yemenite Food
Largely popularized by the Yemenite fast food chains
Nargilla and Nafis. Pester Jester21 or enwhysea to node up
more of these!
(Other) Arabic and/or Sephardic Food
See Lebanese food for a list, there aren't many Palestinian specialties
that I know of.
Ashkenazi Food Like Your Jewish Mother Used To Make
Food-Related Religious Concepts
- chametz (leavened bread, banned on Passover; Jewish)
- halal (acceptable; Islamic)
- kosher (acceptable; Jewish)
- treyf (not acceptable; Jewish)
Just Plain Evil
Additions welcome (where are