(Chiefly British) slang for the female pudenda, vulva or vagina

Not to be confused with the slang minging, which is dirty or stinky, mangy.

th eeymology may be from Romani minʒ, and is mostly used to describe the external female sex parts (there seems to be regional variation; in Norfolk in my school it was almost exclusively used to describe pubes. Also known occasionally as the "front bottom", the punani, the mons veneris, Delta of Venus, call it what you will. Some brief research suggests it's also used in some areas for the vagina, but I did not wish to delve too deeply into that today, and I will leave that as an exercise for the reader.

On the face of it, it seems to be a rather playful word (I've used it playfully here on E2 in some writings!), but urbandictionary predictably confirms it's also used as an insult from time to time, in common with many other coarser words for both female and male sex parts.

xclip -o | wc -w 146 for Brevity Quest 2025

Minge (?), v. t. [AS. myngian; akin to E. mind.]

To mingle; to mix.



© Webster 1913.

Minge, n. [Prob. corrupt. fr. midge.] Zool.

A small biting fly; a midge.

[Local, U. S.]


© Webster 1913.

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