BaronCarlos’ Cubicle Jungle,
Carlos is one of the few
Cubicle Techs who are
oriented very
technically. And this is to the
satisfaction of the
Cubicle Leads who prefer the
Cubicle Population to be more
Customer Service oriented.
Granted, Baron Carlos prefers the performance end of Customer Satisfaction over the personal end. Meaning that BaronCarlos wants his problem solved more then he wants the rep to feel his pain.
Carlos is learning that few people think this way and want to be “stroked” when calling for “technical support” and that Carlos needs more Customer Service skills.
- What is the goal of this, and other Call Centers?
Is it problem solving?
Or is it hand holding
- What is the method or technique of each phone call?
Is it to dissect the issue and troubleshoot accordingly?
Is it to question the emotional state of the caller and help that individual cope?
BaronCarlos is learning that the task is both.
This is difficult for The Baron of Darkness as Carlos does not care how the customer is doing, or what they had for lunch. Carlos wants their problem solved, because that is what BaronCarlos would demand if the roles were reversed.
Carlos is also finding out that this is not only for external customers but internal ones as well. This is quite a quandry since BaronCarlos expects that his co-workers be more technically minded.
What this means is that when other
Cubicle Dwellers approach
BaronCarlos for help,
Carlos cannot just give an answer, Carlos must probe as to the
emotional condition of this
individual and make sure they can understand
Carlos and
communicate that
information to the