Excellent game by JeffP and Rod.
Basically, it's an asteroids style top-down shooter, with a few differences: Multiplayer, better graphics, more ships (8 in all), teamwork aspects, different styles of gameplay, and most of all: hours of fun!
Visit The VIE SubSpace page to learn more! http://subspace.vie.com
The theoretical plane of existence below the quantum level in Star Trek. According to that source, subspace occupies the same time and space as conventional space, but with a separate set of physical laws; even though in glimpses of that reality, it was shown to have a compatible set of laws to our own (the subspace creatures that stolen various crew members for experimentation – including Riker who’s arm was surgically removed and reattached).

I personally believe that this is non-plausible because of the vast difference between realities with different governing laws. No parallel could be drawn between that plane and ours (due to the different of basic laws).

Also used in BDSM settings to refer to the headspace or mindset of the submissive. Someone may be submissive normally, but may or may not be in subspace at the moment (or conversely someone who isn't normally submissive may be there).

U is a subspace of a vector space V iff:
  • U is a subset of V
  • U is a vector space with respect to the same addition and scalar multiplication operations as V.
  • Any vector space V has the two trivial subspaces V and {0}. Any other subspace of V is called non-trivial.

    In mathematics in general, a subspace is a subset of another space that is closed in regard to the operations that are being used and/or retains the key properties.

    The most common example: a subspace S of a vector space V is a subset of V that is closed in regard to vector addition, i.e. the sum of any two elements of S is again an element of S. For euclidean space, this is easy to visualize: a subspace of three-dimensional space is simply a plane or a straight line that goes through the origin.

    Another, rather more obscure example: a subspace (S, OS) of a topological space (X, O) is composed of a subset S of X and a subset OS of O that is composed of all the intersections between S and the elements of O.

    A Definition

    A subspace is a subset of a vector space that has the same structure, in other words it is also a vector space that uses the same definitions for addition and scalar multiplication. Using this definition we can tell if a set W is a subspace of a vector space V by first checking the W is a subset of V and then verifying all of the vector space axioms using W.

    However, because W is a subset of a vector space we can take certain shortcuts instead of having to verify all of the vector space axioms. There are actually three attributes of W, in addition to it being a subset of V, that we must verify. These are:

    • W has a zero. It can be proven that this zero will be the same as the zero of V.
    • W is closed under addition. This means that given an x and y in W, x+y is in W
    • W is closed under scalar multiplication. This means that given an x in W, and c, a member of the field that V is over, c*x is in W

    Subspaces of R2

    The most common example of a vector space is probably R2 which is defined as all tuples (x, y) such that x is a real number and y is a real number. This is isomorphic to the 2-d coordinate plane. The first subspaces to look at are known as the trivial subspaces and these are simply {0}, and R2 itself. The other subspaces of R2 are composed of every line that passes through 0. It is simple to show that any line through the origin will form a subspace of the total plane. Call the subset formed by the line W and let it be all elements of R2 of the form

    W = {(x, y): y = m*x}, m ∈ R

    This means W = (x, y) wherever y = m*x, and m is a constant in R; m will be the slope of the line generated. Now, because 0=m*0 we are guaranteed that the zero is included. To prove that addition is closed, consider two elements

    A = (x1, y1) = (x1, m*x1)

    B = (x2, y2) = (x2, m*x2)

    If we then add these two generic elements we get

    A + B = (x1+x2, y1+y2) = (x1+x2, m*x1+m*x2) = (x1+x2, m*(x1+x2)) = (u, m*u)

    By substituting u = (x1+x2) at the end, we can easily see that this will be a member of W. To prove it is closed under addition consider

    A = (x, y), c ∈ R

    c*A = (c*x, c*y) = (c*x, m*c*x) = (u, m*u)

    By substituting u = c*x, we see that c*A will always be a member of W if A is. Thus all three of our requirements are satisfied.

    The Dimensions of Subspaces

    One of the most important attributes of a vector space is its dimension. Because of this it is useful to look at how the dimensions of a vector space and its subspaces compare. There are two important results to remember. The first is that if V is a finite-dimensional vector space, and W is a subspace of V, then dim(W) ≤ dim(V). Furthermore it can be shown that if dim(W) = dim(V), then W = V. This means there is only one subspace of any vector space V with the same dimension as V, and that is V itself.

    Looking back at our example of R2 we have three classes of subspaces. Because R2 is 2 dimensional we should find subspaces with 0, 1, and 2 dimensions. The first is our two-dimensional subspace which is R2 itself; this matches the earlier theorem. Our second subspace is {0} and it is zero-dimensional. Our final class of subspaces are our lines, each of which is one-dimensional. As expected, no subspace of R2exists with any dimension higher than 2.

    Subspaces and Linear Transformations

    Most of the useful things you can do with vector spaces have to deal with the use of linear transformations. Linear transformations have some very important attributes of their behavior that are related to subspaces. Two attributes of a linear transformation, T, are its range, denoted R(T), and its null space, denoted N(T). These are defined as

    T: V->W

    N(T) = {x ∈ V: T(x) = 0}

    R(T) = {T(x): x ∈ V}

    The first line says that T is a linear transformation from V to W, both of which are vector spaces. The second line means that the null space of T is all elements of x in V such that T(x) is zero. The third line means the range of T is all elements of the form T(x) where x is in V; all of these will be members of W.

    The important thing to remember is that N(T) will always be a subspace of V, and R(T) will always be a subspace of W. To prove that N(T) is a subspace of V, it is necessary to show that

    A, B ∈ N(T), c ∈ F

    0 ∈ N(T)

    A+B ∈ N(T)

    c*A ∈ N(T)

    We can do this by using the attributes of linear transformation.

    T(0) = 0

    T(A+B) = T(A)+T(B) = 0+0 = 0 ∴ A+B ∈ N(T)

    T(c*A) = c*T(A) = c*0 = 0 ∴ c*A ∈ N(T)

    A similar proof is used to show that R(T) is a subspace of W. This is a basic theorem used in linear algebra and forms the basis for many more complex theorems.


    Subspaces are a fundamental entity used extensively througout linear algebra. Once you get used to them, they can be a powerful tool in proving relations and aspects of linear transformations, and matrix manipulations.

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