Access point is often abbreviated as AP.
Access points are an important part of the bibliographic record. Access points are the headings which for which
separate cards were created in traditional card catalogs. Now in online catalogs they are the parts which are searched by patrons and librarians. In MARC records the common access points are the 100s tags which are main entries, the 400s which are series statements, the 600s which are subject headings, the seven hundreds which are added entries other than subject or series, and 800s which are series added entries.
In the library catalog the typical access points include the author's name, the title, the series, the organization (such as publisher) and the subject headings (usually Library of Congress Subject Headings). The reason it is called an access point is because it gives the user access to the record. Access points are sometimes synonymous with headings is it was written at the head (top) of the card. The access points are determined by catalogers using cataloging rules. They pay
particular attention to what the users are likely to look for.
Access points occur in other types of databases as well. All databases have access points. They are what makes a database useful. An access point can be a hardware device or a computer's software that acts as a communication hub that is used by wireless device users to connect to a wired LAN. Access points are important because they provide heightened wireless security as well as extend the physical range of service a wireless user has access to.
In my research I also found out that Access Point is a counseling organization that can be found at:
Access Point
PO Box 6359, Los Osos, CA 93412
805-534-1101 • 805-534-0827
Fax: 805-534-1718
Supportive coaching and counseling is is provided to
individuals, couples, groups, and businesses, both locally and throughout North
America. They work with businesses and non-profit organizations, conduct
workshops and help groups through the challenges of group life. Access
point has a goal of taking the danger of crises, rather the crisis be large or
small. They aim to help people to take advantage of the opportunities
that crises contain. Though coaching Access Point attempts to enable
people to make their lives the very best they can be. Counseling is given
to help individuals through personal and relationship issues that get in the
way of living a happy and productive life. Couples coaching, workshops,
and groups are offered in addition to individual counseling and coaching.