If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: borgo

1 Bloodweiser (fiction) borgo writeup
2 There was a moment of drunken silence (fiction) borgo writeup
3 dive bar (thing) borgo writeup
4 Good things rarely happen after midnight (personal) borgo writeup
5 hugs and helplessness (idea) borgo writeup
6 Bum wine (thing) borgo writeup
7 Under the red neon beer sign (idea) borgo writeup
8 Under the red neon beer sign (poetry) etouffee writeup
9 Under the red neon beer sign (place) moeyz writeup
10 grease fire (thing) borgo writeup
11 The Liquid Steak (thing) borgo writeup
12 Regeneration: A tragedy in 5 acts (idea) borgo writeup
13 over served (personal) borgo writeup
14 umbrella drink (thing) borgo writeup
15 intervention (thing) borgo writeup
16 Heartattack and Vine (thing) borgo writeup
17 Sorry about my friend (idea) borgo writeup
18 The morning after (idea) borgo writeup
19 last respects (idea) borgo writeup
20 twiddle poop (idea) borgo writeup
21 A good kid (person) borgo writeup
22 Condoms. Tampax. Aspirin. Ecstasy. (fiction) borgo writeup
23 So this one-legged man walks into a bar (person) UterusHammer writeup
24 A man walks into a bar... (idea) mcd writeup
25 A man walks into a bar... (fiction) wertperch writeup
26 August 4, 2007 (log) UterusHammer writeup
27 July 16, 2002 (idea) borgo writeup
28 pickup line (thing) dannye writeup
29 cherry bomb (event) dannye writeup
30 Live music (thing) dannye writeup
31 Azure Eyes (person) dannye writeup
32 Ball in hand (fiction) dannye writeup
33 Dixie Beer (thing) dannye writeup
34 Touch Me (place) dannye writeup
35 Drinking problem (fiction) dannye writeup
36 Bartender's ear (idea) Halspal writeup
37 The Main Man (place) dannye writeup
38 Pinball for money (thing) dannye writeup
39 Ford Fairlane (thing) dannye writeup
40 No better friend, no worse enemy (personal) borgo writeup
41 Money well spent (idea) borgo writeup
42 Closing Time (review) borgo writeup
43 Beer snob (poetry) borgo writeup
44 bar code (thing) borgo writeup
45 August 18, 1989 (place) JD writeup
46 Vertical drinking establishment (thing) Hazelnut writeup
47 July 20, 2010 (personal) borgo writeup
48 letter to the bartender (personal) k9design writeup
49 I only smoke when I drink (idea) borgo writeup
50 Live Music Redux (thing) dannye writeup

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