She holds the light in her hands. When it goes out, so shall she.
Nobody cares about my plan, but I'm really excited about it.
Howdy, howdy. I'm doing a survey for an up coming node. If you manage to stop here on your journey through E2 please take the time to message me.
What is the first thing you remember being able to read?Chicken Quest: Chickens found: 6/12.
BookReader at a glance:
Age: 39
Sex: Male
Weight: 190
Height: 6'1
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green to blue
!: defcon2
Elo (Blitz): 1797 as of 7 Nov 2024
Facebook: Ask
The Riddle
Awards! 25 votes and a C! to spend.
Level: 14 Difficulty: medium
Amatory feelings rush by day to day
I forget my place, I wonder about things
Like where your heart goes in the long summer
How long it stays in distant winter
Does the snow fall?
Can you see a sunset?
Does your heart feel?
Level three: rootbeer277 says "The answer is a C!" Yes indeed it is.
Level Four: maxClimb says "RE: Riddle 4 - a skull?" You might have gotten it as soon as it was posted, buddy, but the next one will have you scratching you head for ages!
Level Five: TenMinJoe says "War?" You sure did hit the target, TenMin.
Level Six: DTal says "Crabs!" Yep, but not those nice beach crabs.
Level Seven: TenMinJoe says "electricity?" Yeppers.
Level Eight: Noung says "Is the answer user Ancientsnow?" Yes indeed.
Level Nine: The Custodian says "I want to say the riddle answer is 'Silver' - when quicksilver it's something else (mercury), when slow it's a transition metal, but...um...you can wear it on you...although it you put it around you it will act as an antimicrobial - fighting small wars. DAMN IT.:-)" Yeppers. Looks like I made a mistake...
Level Ten: Rapscallion says "CHEESE" Tasty!
Level Eleven: Zephronias says "DUDE IT'S ME. I AM THE PUN."
Level Twelve: TheAnglican says "Is it that weird radio thing that spits out random numbers all night and everyone's trying to guess what it is?"
Level Thirteen: lizardinlaw says "I think the riddle is a record that has been warped in the sun and skips."
-----BEGIN NODE CODE BLOCK----- NAT l+ xp n+ C- H c+++ e # d+ D++ p g N ------END NODE CODE BLOCK------
And a supporter of Pushin' Niceness to boot.
Drunk Monks and Drunk Monk associates on E2 (some o' these folks should get up off their lazy asses and write something):
sarabandegreen futilelord Imhran antimemory kelsorama aftereight beaver_fever_06 intravenousants Yakushin Aenivae
Node well, not nodeshell.
"We should abandon the notion of history as a court eternally in session." -Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi
.kelsorama says "shame, shame, dear. Don't confuse mere playful interest with love. I can see that this is where a lot of your problems arise."
As long as I don't confuse hate with love, I'll probably be all right.
"I hereby declare BookReader the (possibly) nicest and most polite person on E2." -Ancientsnow
Thanks, my dear. I don't believe I've had such a compliment before.
"Metal, BookReader!" -Clockmaker
I no longer remember what this was in reference too.
This is completely out of context.
"dannye says Oh, well. If reincarnation is real we'll do it later." I suppose we will. RIP
؟Who are you?
"I used to be an Ice Golem. But I melted." - user water
Oh God, here's a good one: Also starring a telephone as "The Telephone"
Yous are all f***ing idiots: At least one man knows how to handle the press.
Yat'ah vokc tia vin'de'ee.
I wonder if people read this far down. Hmm. Well, here’s something to do:
Bathroom Push # 12
“The Nippon Push”: Sit on the throne with your back straight and your hands on your knees. You get triple points if you can keep your back straight while “pushing”.
Devine Trinity
/ \
Garlic Cumin
Fellatio will not save this Relationship.