A mineral group containing at least three different gemstones: Alexandrite, Cat's eye chrysoberyl, and yellow chrysoberyl. All chrysoberyls are rare, although yellow chrysoberyl (which can be yellow or yellowish-green) is more common than the others (and is sometimes confused with peridot; both were once known as "chrysolite").

The family tends to display gem phenomena such as chatoyancy and color change; some people say that the only real "cat's eye" is a chatoyant chrysoberyl and anything else has to be identified as a "cat's eye quartz" or whatever type of gem it is..

Chrys"o*ber`yl (?), n. [L. chrysoberyllus, Gr. ; gold + beryl.] Min.

A mineral, found in crystals, of a yellow to green or brown color, and consisting of aluminia and glucina. It is very hard, and is often used as a gem.


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