13:48:20: gnarl: EDEV: i'm wondering about solutions to the klaproth not working for nuked nodes. combine this with cool_eddie's msg to PoC'd nodes: can Klaproth then msg all those in a node nuked? "Klaproth solemnly sweeps the ashed from the node testy testy testy"
15:17:55: avjewe: EDEV: Hidden has been moved to edev: hidden writeups. How do I get Hidden un-edeved?
16:06:58: N-Wing: EDEV: If somebody accidenty edevifies something accidently, you can just /msg me instead of the group.
22:25:37: mblase: EDEV: I like the addition of "expanded titles" to the Everything Developer nodelet, but why not replace (show) and (hide) with (+) and (-) again? Or perhaps use [ + ] instead of (+) ...
22:57:57: yerricde: EDEV: Why exactly is Everything User Directory "closed until further notice"?
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