user since
Sat Jul 3 1999 at 18:19:50 (25.7 years ago )
last seen
Fri Feb 7 2025 at 15:38:01 (1.6 months ago )
number of write-ups
521 - View General Wesc's writeups (feed)
level / experience
23 (Grand Poobah) / 29827
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
Finding a New Mission After the Passing of The Node Linked to All Others
Star Trek, Python, Housing Co-ops, Cycling
Home school (Completed!), ECU (Completed!), Cratejoy (Staff), Austin Community College (Learned some Spanish)
jIquvHa'pa' jIHegh
categories maintained
Harry Potter
most recent writeup
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.
Send private message to General Wesc

Any of my writeups may be used in compliance with the GNU Free Documentation License or the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License unless otherwise noted

Hi! I'm General Wesc and you aren't. Neener, neener!

Wesc the Person

(Last (partially) updated 2020-06-22)

Version: 3.12
GCS$(P)>GAT d- s+: a>? C++>++++ UB P+++ L+ !E W++ N o K w$ O M+$ ?V
PS+++ PE(-)(--) Y+ PGP t+ 5 X R%gt;+ tv b+>+++ DI++++ D++ G e++ h-- r y+

Postcards and the like to:
The Rt Hon. Luca Masters,
(May his glorious presence continue to grace us)
2309 Nueces St.
2500 Nueces St.
Austin, Texas 78705
General Wesc
1670 NC 33 West
Chocowinity, NC, 27817.

Wesc the Noder

My Node Heaven, as of 2011-11-21 contains 1 077 writeups, of which, 897 are shown. The total repuation is 3 731, giving an average rep of 3.46 for just the shown

The highest-ranked node in my Node Heaven is The Node Linked to All Others, with a reputation of 196, and at least 3C!. Currently, my highest ranked living writeup is Pictures of Everythingians, at 250 with 5C!.

The lowest reputation in my Node Heaven is EVERY THIRD BABY DIES! with an unimpressive -13. Currently, my lowest ranked living writeup is the obsolete Javascript for Windows-IE Everything Search Button at a dishonourable -5.

I was also the user 39145 from April Fool's Day 2001(?).

As of 2005-09-22, I have 383 nodeshells (Up 41 from two months ago):
As of 2006-01-30, I have 353 nodeshells (Down 40 from five months ago):
As of 2006-04-10, I have 360 nodeshells (Up 7 from two and a third months ago)
As of 2006-07-20, I have 360 nodeshells (Same number--though not the same set--as a few months ago).
As of 2008-11-28, I have 406 nodeshells.

As of 2011-11-21, I have 421 nodeshells.

How many do you have?

I was interviewed in 2009.

Wesc the Collector of Words

Villein, Woful, Patrole, Orchis, Relessee, Dimmy, Venenation, Forewite and forms, Amy, Apagogical, Magot-pie, Fissiparism, Smoulderingness, Excerebrose, Esexual, Wealful = Weleful, Ingluvious, Villanel, Neese, Abacinate, Abraid, Broom rape, Yot, Washen, Apathistical, Felonry, Ouze, Yift, Aukward, Pusillanimity, Mynchery, Jeopard, Videlicet (I use 'viz' regularly, but I'd never even seen 'Videlicet'), Scilicet, Falwe, Potestative, sessa, Paideutics, Longimanous, Flowery-kirtled, Mareis, Lovee, opiniastrous, unseven, gronte, cize, warray, wanhope, nudiustertian, detenebrate, Unright, aberemurder, Falcer, surfactant, argy-bargy, Spial, tralatition, Tralatitious, eikonology, Exosculate

Wesc's favourite E2 quote mentioning him

2003-01-27 00:15 Sasha Gabba Hey!: Wow, daylogs have come a long way since general wesc logged in every day to say "I used the coumputer..."


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