A humorous six part anime series created by Tatsuya Egawa about this guy named Kintaro Oe. He flits about on his
bike working at random
temp jobs and taking notes in his precious notebook while studying life. "Life is study!" There's an abundance of
well-endowed females that Kintaro lusts after... lots of
eye candy for guys aka
nudity. The
dubbed version was licensed by A.D.V. Films with such voice actors as
Tiffany Grant (
Neon Genesis Evangelion) and Doug White (a janitor for A.D.V. that was brought into the project... I guess his personality fit that of Kintaro's *hehehehe*). many, many allusions to sex but definitely NOT
hentai. For hentai see Guy,
La Blue Girl, Urutsukidoji: The Legend of the Overfiend, Venus 5, ect.