we create heaven and hell

we live in a world of god's rules
but we have so much freedom
that we can create heaven and hell
for ourselves, for others

in the silence, sometimes, we can touch another world
beyond good and evil
where everything just is

the first sin was not eating the fruit
of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
but the choice to disregard god's advice
individually made by the snake, the woman, and the man
they blamed each other but it was their own choice
so they started thinking about what's wrong and what's right
and thus departed from what is

i read about a soldier in a firefight
who saw his best friend shot through the head
and later he said in that moment he felt awe
he was sent into awe

the world of just-being is neither
silent nor violent
and it is silent and it is violent
heaven nor hell
and it is heaven and it is hell
good nor evil
and it is good and it is evil

it is paradox; it is reality

it's outside of thought
outside of concepts
outside of mind

yet it is alive
it is motion itself, mind from top to bottom
spacetime and forces and atoms and molecules
it is a fractal coastline, a lightning strike
a star, a planet, a pebble, a droplet
it is water snaking its way through the forest
or down the side of the sink
a cloud in the sky or the bubbles in the bath
steam from a cup of tea
and the fog of microscopic droplets on the surface
and the cracks that form in that fog
as vortices of steam crash into it

it's buddha and christ and telescopes

can you hear my life in the way i see the world?
if you want to change the way you think
have different experiences

can a book contain god?
can a mind walk round god's circumference?
or capture god's properties?
would you make a man into a god?
there's a word for these things:
replacing god with a thing, or an idea, or a person.

what is this world? who are we?
we find ourselves here, bound by The Law,
and yet we are also creators
co-creators of this world
straddling the invisible, unbridgeable gap
between the limited and the unlimited
cracking open the shell of what we know to be possible
continuously birthed into a brand new world
unimaginable yesterday

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