There is also Elliot Lake, home of Ontario's
uranium mines. An instant town, Elliot Lake grew up during the
cold war to provide, directly or indirectly, material to make
atomic bombs--adding to
Canada's longtime
complicity in
American policy.
Since the mid-60's, when Elliot Lake became something of a ghost town, it has enjoyed new life as the retirement center of Northern Ontario.
There is also Kenora. Although located in Ontario, the place to go for a good time from Kenora, is Winnipeg, in Mantoba.
Many people in Kenora, because of its location, and relative isolation, but proximity to many aboriginal reservations, have been employed by the Ontario Government, in a variety of education, police, health, and other government services.
Since the so-called Common Sense revolution of the Mike Harris reactionaries, many of these people performing essential services, have been terminated. The effects we will see soon.