Near Matches
Ignore Exact
This is not me, doing this to you. I know it's wrong.
You are the kind of girl my mother warned me about
The one thing I cannot write
I was so cool, that first afternoon
If I really loved you, you'd never get so close.
I hate you. Please don't leave me.
What in the world has come over me
I saved his life. He does not know it.
You hit the nail on the head and the nail was directly above my heart
Foolish man. You cannot turn me into a phantom because you are frightened.
With or Without You... but I prefer the latter
I'd blindly follow the most hopeless of paths
January 1, 2001
I come to you, defenses down
Consoling you
We are aiming for the worst and it will not be that bad.
Love is a dangerous angel
She sat in virginal white, eyes closed, with only her face in rose
Capitalize, please
You know it is going to be a strange day when you wake up dead
Just because you should do something doesn't mean you can
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