There’s an episode of the old “Twilight Zone”

where a six year-old boy has a frightening power

when Anthony Fremont closes his eyes

the freckle-faced youth from Peaksville, Ohio 

can make any wish that he wishes come true

it’s real good you did that Anthony they say

of the man he turns into a jack-in-the-box

and everyone smiles and thinks happy thoughts

in Peaksville everyone knows or they’ve heard 

of a cornfield from which no one has ever returned

where Anthony sends those with whom he’s displeased

so everyone smiles and thinks happy things 

it’s real good you did that Anthony they say

as nightmarish creatures come out in the day

and the crops are destroyed by the snow that he made

it was only a show and a long time ago

but Anthony is somehow still with us today

and still possesses a frightening power

men who fear him still say happy things

but now whenever he closes his eyes 

men who despise him call Anthony king

it’s real good you did that Anthony replies

they give him their horses and hand him the reins

and it’s hard not to laugh and hard not to cry

watching the show from the cornfield he made.

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