The 8-bit ISO character set for Arabic. ISO-8859-6 is used with Arabic and other languages that use the Arabic script; unfortunately it lacks the extra characters needed for Farsi, Urdu and other languages.

The lower 128 entries are the same as the ASCII character set. The top 128 entries contain the Arabic letters, accents, and special punctuation characters. Note that four sets of glyphs are needed to properly render Arabic; one for each letter in initial, medial, final and seperate positions.

The Arabic characters are:
hex   dec    description
0xA0  160    no-break space
0xAC  172  ،  arabic comma
0xAD  173  ­  soft hyphen
0xBB  187  ؛  arabic semicolon
0xBF  191  ؟  arabic question mark
0xC1  193  ء  hamza
0xC2  194  آ  alef with madda above
0xC3  195  أ  alef with hamza above
0xC4  196  ؤ  waw with hamza above
0xC5  197  إ  alef with hamza below
0xC6  198  ئ  yeh with hamza above
0xC7  199  ا  alef
0xC8  200  ب  beh
0xC9  201  ة  teh marbuta
0xCA  202  ت  teh
0xCB  203  ث  theh
0xCC  204  ج  jeem
0xCD  205  ح  hah
0xCE  206  خ  khah
0xCF  207  د  dal
0xD0  208  ذ  thal
0xD1  209  ر  reh
0xD2  210  ز  zain
0xD3  211  س  seen
0xD4  212  ش  sheen
0xD5  213  ص  sad
0xD6  214  ض  dad
0xD7  215  ط  tah
0xD8  216  ظ  zah
0xD9  217  ع  ain
0xDA  218  غ  ghain
0xE0  224  ـ  tatweel
0xE1  225  ف  feh
0xE2  226  ق  qaf
0xE3  227  ك  kaf
0xE4  228  ل  lam
0xE5  229  م  meem
0xE6  230  ن  noon
0xE7  231  ه  heh
0xE8  232  و  waw
0xE9  233  ى  alef maksura
0xEA  234  ي  yeh
0xEB  235  ً  fathatan
0xEC  236  ٌ  dammatan
0xED  237  ٍ  kasratan
0xEE  238  َ  fatha
0xEF  239  ُ  damma
0xF0  240  ِ  kasra
0xF1  241  ّ  shadda
0xF2  242  ْ  sukun