A video put together by the band Camp Kill Yourself. Many skits and scenes from it are used in the MTV show Jackass. In fact if Johnny Knoxville isn't in the scene, it's almost definitely straight from CKY2K or their first video, CKY.

Bam, Brandon, Ryan Dunn, Leo Fitzpatrick, Jess, Rake Yohn, Hoofbite, Jenn Revell, Chris Raab, Art Weeb 1986, Mike Maldonado, Kerry Getz, Deron Miller, Ryan Gee, and more.

Music from CKY2K:
SECTION                 SONG TITLE                                      BAND
Opening Credits         Du Hast                                         Rammstein
Bam on a Bike           -                                               Anal Cunt
Van in the Snow         Sinking Fast (Tentative Title)                  CKY
Iceland Mission         Now Is Forever                                  Eiffel 65
Ass Viking/Scenery      Hyper Ballad                                    Bjork
More Iceland + Skating  Halcyon +on +on                                 Orbital
Rental Car              Sporadic Movement (New Demo)                    CKY
Philly Park             Dies Irae                                       Believer
Baseball pt. 1          -                                               -
Baseball Pt. 2          James Bond 97                                   Moby
Ricky Martin            Come To Daddy                                   Aphex Twins
The Bee                 Pallar Anders Visa                              In Flames
Fat Fuck                Fat Fuck                                        CKY
Hook-Ups Tour           Manic Demise                                    Malevolent Creation
Credits/7-Teen Sips     Disengage The Simulator                         CKY (From Volume 1)
Arto + Geoff            Untitled (New Demo)                             CKY
Deron Jamming           Untitled (New Demo)                             CKY
Promiscuous Daughter    Promiscuous Daughter                            CKY (From Volume 1)
Brandon Cooking         Untitled (New Demo)                             CKY
Tampa                   -                                               -
France                  Unsuccessful Journey Through The Asteroid Belt  CKY

Various questions asked: (from www.cky.8k.com)
Dan (Texas) - How are Brandon and Dunn still friends after they pissed and shit on each other?
Jess - I seriously thought Dunn was going to end Brandon. Me and the Gill had to hold him down for 15 minutes until he calmed down a little. Then after things settled and Bran went to sleep in the other room, we talked him into getting even. Bran wasn't all that angry about getting pissed on, I guess he felt he deserved it. But justice was done...an eye for an eye, so they just dropped the whole thing and they are cool with each other now.

Arthur (Germany) - In the Iceland section of CKY2K, there is a scene where a small red car is in mountains and there are people under it, what happened? Is there a story behind that?
Jess - Yeah there is a story behind it. It was me, Chris Hanna, and Ryan Gee. Gee was driving the red car (which was called an Opel, some weird Icelandic car) and we were cruising around in the volcanic rock beds. The back windows were foggy and Gee tried to back up so we could get some more speed to get over a hill. Well, as he was backing up we almost fell off a 20 foot cliff. Both back tires were hanging over the cliff and me and Chris had to push the OPEL back up. It sucked.

Mike (Minnesota) - In the first video, why was that girl beating everybody up?
Jess - It was in Tampa, FL. I wasn't there but Bam told me she was some Cuban girl and somebody pulled her tit out of her shirt. Then she started punching anybody and everybody and spitting.

Dylan (Nebraska) - Does Brandon still live in Bam and Jess's shed? In Bam's 411 "Day in the Life" it said he did.
Jess - Bran got kicked out of his house for a few days, so he slept in there between 2 lawnmowers. He never lived in there, I don't know why anybody thinks he did. The reason he didn't stay in my house was because there were already a million people staying over and there was nowhere for him to sleep.