I had to take an Assembly Language for the Intel X86 processor family last semester for my computer engineering degree. At the same time I was taking my first course in C++. Assembly was by far more difficult than C++, but I ended up understanding it better, because I spent more time working on it. Also when my C++ classmates were having trouble understanding the concept of a pointer I was wondering how stupid people could get. In any case I guess I now find I can currently do more with Assembly than C++.

;How to have fun with Assembly.

;I wrote this to be assembled with MASM

;I have never tried assembling this program or running it .model small

.stack 100h



Begin: mov es,0000h

mov di,0000h

mov cx,FFFFh

mov al,FFh

L1: Push cx

inc es

mov cx,ffffh

L2: stosb

loop L2

pop cx

loop L1

mov ah,4ch

int 21h

End Begin