Today was a frustrating day.

Can You Please Stop Hitting on the Waitress?

A good friend of mine with a massive sex drive is hitting on my favorite waitress at the Original Pancake House near my house. This is making my angry, because I really, really like this waitress as she always gives me good service and she knows my mother and I by our names.

I really did not need him to fuck with that relationship. And for God's sake, she is like 15 years older than him and a mother of two!

Everything is Simpler Than it Seems

Found out the 60+ lines of well-researched code I wrote needed to be reduced to four to make it work properly. I love that O/S.

The overall super-secret project still doesn't work, however. The damned memory allocator cannot seem to get a big enough chunk of memory. Damn that O/S, damn it, damn-it, damnit.

And Now You, Precious?

My girlfriends depression hit a new low today, and I had to run to her aid to comfort her. Do Not Worry Little One.

Might As Well Hit My Head with a Hammer...

First on the plus side I fixed up some errors in Yumi's Sushi Bar. That node is spiff now.

On the bad side, most everyone seems to hate poetry. Especially MY poetry on e2. Shit, if you don't like it or don't like it because it doesn't read like a slashdot article leave it alone!

Why do I do it? I do it for the softlink baby!