I think I possibly had some sort of mental breakdown today. If I hadn't been inside my own head at the time, I would have laughed my ass off at myself. What lead up to it, I am not going to describe in detail because it's long and involved and depressing, but let it suffice to say that in the last week I have had enough emotional highs and lows for about two months. What snapped me was a family argument that wasn't really profound or traumatizing, just extremely irritating.

I calmly put on my shoes and walked out the door, my mother yelling after me to ask if I had my cell phone. Of course I did! I walked calmly down the street, letting myself frazzle over all my problems. I ended up at my old elementary school, with the intent of sitting on one of the low walls and letting myself cry everything out. Instead, resting against the bricks, I just felt nauseous. I watched some kids on scooters go by (and probably creeped them out) and then after a while jumped down from the wall and traipsed into the woods. While muttering expletives under my breath in weird combinations, I proceeded to whack sticks against trees to break them. It created a loud echoey cracking noise, much to the chargin of the dogwalkers who peered worriedly into the trees. Then, once I had exhausted my fund of sticks, I ran out of the woods and down the street, dirty converse slapping the pavement with my characteristic lack of grace. I stopped when I got to the end of the street, because I was distracted by someone watering their lawn. Usually Lawn Care Bastards, as I have dubbed them, irritate me because IT'S JUST YOUR EFFING LAWN. But today I was delighted, because that meant I could play in their sprinkler! So I stood on the sidewalk and subjected myself to this artificial rain for a few seconds, until the owner of the house pulled into the driveway and saw a sixteen year old girl in her front lawn that was a little too interested in her sprinkler. I ran off down the street again.

Confirming the theory that I am extremely strange