You won.

You passed Prop 8. Enjoy your victory while you can, for it will be short-lived. I know you like to pretend that you'll be able to keep this this up forever, but we both know you can't. I know you're not just going to give up. You can't; it's not your nature. And you know that we aren't going to give up either.

But we both know my side is going to win.

How can I be so sure, you ask? It's simple, really. Let me help you understand.

You see, for you, this is all about protecting an idea, an ideal. You claim you want to “protect the children,” but what you really mean is that you want to protect your right to keep this idea, this ideal, alive in your children's minds. The idea, this ideal is not what you think it is. No, it's not about right or wrong, it's not about tradition or morality. This ideal of yours is all about superiority. It feels good to be better than someone else. Better than almost anything else in the world, in fact. It's a crutch you lean on because a great deal of your identity is based not on who you are and what you do, but on who you aren't and what you abstain from.

What are we fighting for? Not what you think we are. This isn't about us wanting to change what marriage means or forcing your churches to change what they think of us. This is about us fighting for our dignity, our standing as decent human beings. This is us protecting our families, not from some idea that we find distasteful, no, but from people and institutions who don't want us to exist. This is us fighting for our right to self-determination. This is us fighting for our right to be there for each other when we die, to be there for our children when our partners pass away. This is us fighting for love, for equality and for what we know deep deep deep in our hearts to be right and just.

It would be so much easier if you just gave up now. You'd be doing yourself a favor, really, because we will win this. We have justice and love on our side. You have fear and some dusty books. We are not going to give up, and we will do whatever it takes. You won't be able to ignore us. You've pushed us into a corner; we're done with being nice.

One day, you will look back on this moment and feel shame. Your children's children will think less of you for this. And you will have spent all that energy, money, and time for nothing.

Because we aren't going anywhere. We WILL win.