Why am I here?

I was asked how I found this place.

I don't remember. I remember why I stayed -- there's so much to read. So much insight, so many stories, I will never find the end of it all. 

And I wanted to write.

It's how I speak.

How I live.

It's how I stay sane. I'm not very good any the other methods. I once heard about a guy who did little found-piece boxes, and people said it was the only thing keeping him sane. I'm not that crazy, but sometimes I wonder if that's a lie.

I've written elsewhere, many pieces, scads of writing. But I guess I'm here, specifically, because here is genuine criticism. Elsewhere is echo chambers. Elsewhere I have no idea if what I'm saying affects people, or makes them think. I have no idea if what I'm saying makes any sense.

So the writing from those places kind of sucks.

I came here to become better.

And, hopefully, entertain you, and challenge you, and if you feel the need to challenge me, maybe I've done something right for once.