When I was either eight or nine, I went through the shoplifting phase. It was weird. Like kessenich, I was a world-class shoplifter. I don't know where it began. I think it was at an Eckard store on Halloween. I stole some lime green lipstick. I can't imagine why I went to all the trouble to do so. I was caught by my mom later that night who asked me where I got it from. I was too young to elaborate a good story, since she had been by my side all evening (with the exception of when I stuck the lipstick in my pocket).

This led on to further shoplifting, usually things I didn't want at all, things no one would want. To this day, I still wonder what I really saw in Bing Crosby Christmas albums and plastic Home Alone 2 bookmarks. I was one sick kid.

The point is: if you're going to steal, make sure it's not from the school bookfair.. and please good lord, don't steal Lionel Richie albums. It's more trouble than it's worth.