Dr. Theopolis may be one of the greatest funk musicians to come out of the Pacific Northwest ever. Originally started by the brothers Jules and Ezra Holbrook as a joke, Dr. Theopolis quickly turned into a (local) chart topping band.

Playing primarily funk with a little rap and hip hop thrown in for kicks, Dr. Theopolis is a wild party of a show, and a wild party of a CD. With a fan base of mostly women, Dr. Theopolis is a great place to pick up chicks. 'He' plays at a local venue a lot, and it's always a happening dig. Taking inspiration from Parliament, Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, Dr. Theopolis manages to move the groove in their own way.

The best part about Dr. Theopolis is that the band brings along a dancer whose name is Mr. Fabulous whose soul mission is to "get all fired up, ya dig?" Mr Fabulous's favorite jam is raspberry.

Dr. Theopolis's first album, Voice of the Future, is pretty good, and really funny. It lacks some of the pump that you get at the live performances, but it's still a good listen. The intermission tracks, however, are laugh-out-loud funny. It includes songs such as Sweet Love with lyrics along the lines of "made sweet love to your mama / ain't nothin' to be proud of".

Dr. Theopolis consists of: