Ahem. "Smurfette really wasn't a 'smurf' or an 'ette.'" This practically screams the next word: "Discuss."

The fact that KaZe JoNeS then proceeded to discuss in adequate detail detracts little from my point. Smurfette was not a true smurf, I agree. Nor was she an ette, for much the same reasons. But the very crux of the formulaic exposition technique demands that not only must excessively long words be used whenever possible, the stock phrase "foobar was neither a foo nor a bar. Discuss." is the only one that suffices.

That said, it not is my opinion that Smurfette wasn't a smurf, and could not be a smurf, simply because smurf culture obviously does not contain a notion of female smurfs (nor, by extension, explicitly male smurfs, lacking any sort of clear differentiation in terms).

This happens to overlook the little, or possibly extra-little, smurfs that popped up in later seasons, of unknown provenance. (Bah. This weakens my argument. I shall conveniently move to another point.)

Further, the smurfs lived amongst humanity for quite some time (or at least near both Gargamel and whoever that other person who appeared to both dislike living smurfs and be of the feminine persuasion was). So perhaps they learnt of gender differences that way. Can the only smurf-sized blue talking thing with a figure to speak of be considered a member of a society with no other being remotely like it? Sure, you're unique, just like everybody else - but imagine how odd it would be if only one person in the entirety of known humanity had gazongas?

This leaves out the more important question of whether or not Gargamel's deranged interpretation of Frankenstein's monster was alive or not, but that is left as an exercise for the reader.

Judging by the extremely immature flirting that the various smurfs participated in with Smurfette, the answer to KaZe's first question is yes, they certainly would "try to score with this mechanical-blow up doll," albeit with limited success. And it sure looked to me as if the other smurfs were wishing every night that Big Poppa Smurf would pimp her out, buck-twenty or no. (A hundred and twenty whats? What was their currency, anyway? A topic for another node, perhaps even this one.)

A thought question for the reader: Does it matter whether or not Smurfette did not have a two word name like Clumsy Smurf or Sleazy Smurf, but instead had the typical Smurf surname preprended to her name?

I think I put way too much thought into this. No noding this late ever again. I mean it this time.