So my girlfriend just got back in town and obviously I wore her ass out (Jamie god I'm so exhausted... what are you doing? ok FINE one more ohgodyesdontstop).

Between fuc­king sessions, she goes and uses the bathroom downstairs. My house is laid out like the fuc­king keebler elf tree, downstairs is the kitchen/living room with a bathroom. Upstairs is a gigantic bedroom (the stairs are steep as fuck it's like a ladder/stairs situation), and I'm pretty sure it's not legal for human occupancy. Aside from that it's fucking awesome, I have a skylight, a balcony, and like i said my room is enormous. $400/month utilities INCLUDED, son. I talked the landlord down from $600+utils so that's a brag imo.

Anyway, my toilet is all fu­cking possessed or something, and occasionally it gets stuck on perma-flush. I don't really care because utilities are included, and it sounds really weird when it gets jammed so I notice immediately and just fix it. My girlfriend doesn't have the same ability to notice when something mechanical is fu­cked up.

So, the girlfriend goes down, uses the bathroom, comes back up, we continue our fuc­king session. About an hour later, she goes downstairs to grab some food or something and she goes "Oh god Jamie, what the fu­ck." I assume she saw a bug or some other girly shit so I'm all "just fuc­king squish it, chill out no big deal." She goes "No seriously, get the fu­ck down here." At this point I'm thinking "must be a big fucking bug. Maybe I should put pants on. Fu­ck that I'll crush it with my co­ck."

I get downstairs, the entire fuc­king downstairs area is legit flooded with two inches of water. I carry her ass out of the house, toss her on the front porch, she splits, I proceed to drive to my parents place to steal a wet-vac.

What happened was this: she used the restroom, and clogged the toilet. When she flushed it, it fuc­ked up and went perma-flush on her, creating a "perfect storm" of sorts when it comes to indoor plumbing.

The next four hours consisted of me wet-vaccing the entire house (no shoes), calling my friend who rents a room in the main house to make a beer run for me, and mopping the entire area with dish soap (no bleach available). Thank god for wet-vacs. I had to empty it three times, and it has a 14gal capacity. My house was flooded with 42 gallons of shitwater.

After I was finished, I washed my feet like an OCD motherfuc­ker. I went to the local crackhead-populated gas station, bought a forty, chilled, and then wrote this writeup.