In general:

For any function f(x), the range is all the numbers that f(x) can possibly output.

Let's say that f(x) = 3x-15. Now, for any real number you can think of, there's an x value than we can plug into f(x) to get that number. So we say that the range of f(x) is all real numbers, or, in set notation, {f(x):f(x)R}.

For our second example, g(x) = 3/(x-1). Now, since the numerator of 3/(x-1) is positive, then there's no value for x-1, and therefore no value for x, that will make the function equal 0. So the range of g(x) is all real numbers save for 0: {g(x):g(x)!=0}. (In this case, g(x) being an element of the real numbers is implied.)

One more: h(x) = sqrt(x). Now, remember that putting any negative x into this function will return a nonreal answer, which would be a Bad Thing. Subsequently, there is no real x which, when put into h(x), will output a negative answer. The range of h(x), therefore, is all numbers greater than or equal to 0, or {h(x):h(x)>=0}.

Contrast domain.