I beat this (that's not me in the video, I'm not that good) level in Beat Saber on Monday night which is something I've been working on for at least six months. I've remain slightly in awe of how fast I'm able to improve in that game. I'm pretty sure that I've got less than one hundred hours on the game and I've turned into a machine. I tried the same thing in Dance Dance Revolution and I plateaued and never really got anywhere with it.

I have a real love/hate relationship with rhythm games. I like fast twitch muscle stuff because it forces me into a flow state and that has this weird meditative quality. I've notice that when I'm playing a very hard level any attempt at consciously choosing an action degrades performance. The one thing that remains in conscious control is how frenetic I am. I always have a single tiny bit of will holding the metaphorical dial that makes my movements more spastic or more languid. What consciousness is actually doing in us is almost as interesting a question as how it got there in the first place. People can have reflexes and reactions that they don't know about; the body carries out actions that the mind never conceived of. I feel like I get to peek behind the curtain from time to time when I find these points of separation between reflex and choice. Ironically, I'm not sure how much of my desire to play these games is that and how much is just the pretty lights.