A memo detailing a fatality that occurs in the mining industry. The US Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration, or MSHA, requires that these memos be posted on public bulletin boards in all mines and mine related facilities. An example of a mine related facility would be a cement plant with a quarry.

The fatalgram states the date and time the fatality occurred along with a brief description. The description includes the number of people involved, the types of equipment involved and, beginning in the year 2000, the age and years of experience of all persons involved. Also included is a photograph or sketch of the incident to illustrate what took place. The fatalgram ends with a bullet list of best practices that state precautions to be taken to prevent the same thing from happening again.

The point of the fatalgram is to make miners aware of the hazards inherent in the work place and to demonstrate the importance of safety. It is hoped that after reading the seriousness of the situation, employees will consider the list of best practices and take them to heart.