A type of drinking game from Holland. It goes like this: one person is allocated to be the priest. No one is allowed to go to the toilet before the priest. That's it.

Now, this game MUST be played in a bar and with beer. Otherwise it's no fun. If you were in Holland I wouldn't have to say this, because all they drink is beer, and in bars. But for you Americans, Japanese, Mozamibquans, etc, who know that an orgasm is also a type of drink, I had to make that point.

The point is, when you drink lots of beer, you have to go to the toilet. The more you drink, the more you need to go. So it's in everyone's interest to get the priest sloshed, so that he'll go to the toilet, so that they can go to the toilet. Now, you must pick the priest so that it'll be someone who will like getting sloshed. In Holland, that isn't too difficult. So people begin needing to go, and they buy the priest drinks. That's it, basically. The priest gets lots of free drinks, until he can't hold it in anymore. Then you can pick a new priest. Now no one is allowed to go until he goes.

Just make sure the emergency room near you is not too packed when you start playing this game. Burst bladders are a bitch.