"like a fog and a mountain, together, forever" Concrete Blonde

I sit here at 8 am Saturday morning, noding and thinking. This weekend should be interesting. Lilah is coming down for the weekend from Connecticut, taking the ferry from Groton to Port Jefferson, which is about 20 minutes away. I have to meet her in a few hours. My first vistor to the posh palace. I don't know what to expect, but I'm sequestering any emotions until after she leaves. We kinda jumped in bed the first time we were alone, and she seems like the type that keeps things buried deep. I wonder. It's been nice being alone here in Long Island, since I came to the realisation that I detest Long Islander's accents and demeanor. Well, detest is a strong word, but it's a far cry from my southern honeys and classy CT girls I'm used to. The old addage, "When in Rome" is bullshit..when you're in Rome you eat till you puke, then eat some some more. Adapting is giving in, as far as I'm concerned.
For any following my travails at work, new news. Yesterday I just couldn't take it anymore. I was doing a winding at a slower speed, concentrating on getting the color blend perfect and the threads nice and smoothe for this big piece I was working on (which would ultimatley sell for about two grand), and my boss came over, and in a very cancerian way, hinted that I wasn't ready to work the lathe on high speed, which he wanted (to make the process go faster). Okay, smart guy, you figured out how to get what you want from me, piss me off by insinuating I can't do something. So I cranked up the lathe speed, bitched and swore as the thread cut my hand to ribbons, and tripled my output. Of course he was right, I got the job done in a flash, but my mood and moral suffered exponentially. How did I deal? Popped a xanax and a half hour later, la la land. I left at 5 pm and came home and slept until 2 am. His last words: "good job today, 100% better then before, I'm proud." Good for you man. I really like my work, the people, but this return to the insane northern desperation is driving ME insane...especially with absolutely no outlet. I'd surround myself with my little faery girls again if I could, but that always brings more pain than pleasure. Hmm..maybe prescription drugs are the saviour of mankind. Whatever. I hope my node this morning (see The Perfect Pooping Method) brings some sunshine into the lives of my fellow noders, as I bet most of them are addicted to cigaretttes and strong coffee as I am. Let me know. More later kiddies, and if you're good, maybe a poem.