I never really understood why people look down on this. Sometimes, it's just a fact. Example: I listen to death metal and black metal--bands that have an intense sound and go wicked fast. Obviously, that's harder core than listening to Britney Spears. So if I say to a Britney Spears fan, "I'm harder core than you," it's the truth. Sure, it's probably meant as an insult, but it's not like they have to take it as an insult. They could just as easily say "You're right, but I just don't like hard music, I'd rather listen to things that are relaxing to me--soft music." Everything's an opinion. It's up to the person to be insulted.

Bottom line: if you are insulted by somebody saying this to you, why don't you prove that they're not? Just whining isn't going to make it seem like you're all tough and big and bad.

This isn't referring to anybody in particular. So don't take offense to this. It's just a nodeshell I filled.