I was just going over my lowest writeups. I know a lot of my early writeups were not very good, so I'm ready to improve or nuke them as needed. The vast majority of them are just zero reps, but there are a handful of negatives. I looked over them and did the following:

- Added a little more info to Final Fantasy 8

- Requested a nuking on my pointless high school nickname entry (hey, it was one of my first writeups -_-;)

- Made a MINOR change to idoru only to make it clear it wasn't an anti-William Gibson node--I'm not going to change it more because it's true

- Didn't change an E2 Poll answer becuase I don't care if I annoy Quake fanatics

- Didn't change addiction by proxy. It had a positive ranking at one point so a number of people must have downvoted it, which mystifies me. I mean, it's not brilliant, but I can't see how it's offensive either.

- Ditto "makes an ass out of "U" and "mption"!." It's a movie quote, sheesh.

The others were obviously methodical downvoting, so I don't care. I have an urge to mention some of my favorite nodes that are at 0 here, but I guess that would be nodevertising, eh?

Okay, off to look at an apartment. Possibly some hard choices today... Titan A. E. comes out today, yet another movie I'm missing. Grumble. At least the heat wave is over.