La Rochefoucauld said:

"All the passions cause us to make mistakes, but love causes us to make the most ridiculous ones."

Upon hearing the above maxim, I was inclined to laugh.  The reason for my laughter is mostly personal.  It is amazing how easily we fall into and out of love.  I personally have been married twice and am 30 years old.  The traditional thought concerning love is that there is only one person or "true love" for each individual.  Obviously, "love" has caused me to make a few ridiculous mistakes.

Another thought that entered my mind was a movie that I recently watched entitled, "The Mirror Has Two Faces," starring Barbra Streisand.  She enters into an agreement with a professor (co-worker) to have a non sexual marriage.  I won't give the movie away, but you will see if you watch the movie, just what La Rochefoucauld meant.

I think of my seven year old son when I read this statement.  Ridicule seems to be his worst enemy.  I realized this when he threw a tantrum, which was very abnormal for him, and I laughed.  My laughter was more detrimental to his honor than the fact that he was acting dishonorably.

This statement also sparks just a strange question.  Would there even be embarrassment if others didn't ridicule?  If you consider the laughter of a group of children as one a few feet from them falls into a puddle, it seems so cruel.  Yet, if that group of children did not laugh or make a spectacle of the other child falling, would the child be hurt emotionally?

I am now 36 and my son is about to turn 13.  He seems to still react negatively to ridicule.  But, then again, how do we adults handle it?

I am now on my third marriage and I have finally found my "true love".  He keeps me semi-sane and safe and loves me very much.  He is the best man I have ever met and I thank God for him everyday.  I also thank God for my wonderful intelligent son.