I discovered recently that the hardware store in the now-trendy neighbourhood where I once lived keeps a shelf of books by local authors. Offerings runs heavily towards self-published and local press, though books by larger publishers may be found there as well. The locale has drawn its share of authors and artists, so the presence of books unrelated to home improvement and road trips makes sense. It's a consignment deal. The idea of having my book in the hardware store of my old stomping grounds appealed to me, and I immediately texted my publisher with the news. I finally returned with some copies today.

I wore a red polo shirt. I suspect some people would have a list of reasons why this makes a poor sartorial choice generally but, in this case, it really was a bad idea. The store's employees all wear short-sleeved collared red shirts. While waiting for the owner to process the papers, three people asked me for help.

I suppose it could have been worse.

I might have wandered into into an episode of Star Trek.