The pentacle is a powerful symbol in paganism. The traditional pentacle consists of five isoceles triangles stretching out from a center pentagon. The tips of the triangles are ringed by a circle. The imagery of the pentacle is supposed to represent the perfect human form, not unlike da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man".

The five points of the pentacle represent the five earthly elements of paganism: fire, water, air, earth, and spirit. In traditional paganism, the spirit triangle points to the heavens, representing that a pagan values morality and spirituality above all other things. However, in Satanism, which uses the inverted pentacle, the spirit triangle points towards the ground, and the points for fire and earth, which are traditionally on the bottom of the pentacle, point towards the heavens. This is supposed to represent the belief that Satanists hold that one should do whatever he can do obtain what he desires, no matter how immoral other may consider it.