A classic vertical-scrolling spaceship game from the Eighties. Its first version was for the arcade, but there were conversions for several platforms, from videogames such as the NES (which I owned the cartridge), to computer systems, such as the Apple II.

You had two types of weapons: the regular air-air shots and the air-ground bombs (you always had a target ahead of you indicating the bomb's aim). Extra lives could be obtained shooting bombs to uncover flags that appeared in random places of the map, with absolutely no reference. One would just shoot bombs everywhere to look for flags.

There were several types of enemy ships and the occasional boss.

Each time you started a new life a characteristic fanfare (which I can still remember) played, with the message "X SOLVALOU LEFT" (where X is the number of remaining lives). To this day I wonder what Solvalou means in the Xevious universe: is it the ship's name, or the pilot's?...

IIRC, the game has no ending: the game just restarts from the beginning with more and faster enemies. This is an annoying characteristic of games of its age. (In case you're wondering, I never went that far -- my brother did)

In some ports the game had a different name -- I remember seeing it on the MSX named as Columbia. As usual in conversions (as oposed to ports), there were a few differences in the game.

Enough of memories of this game -- I have to go and download its ROM right now!!