Sunday caught me off guard. It was the last day of Sunday School and I thought somehow I had another week. So closure for us was harried and awkward. It was chaotic. I did get an apple from Greer and told them to blow lots of bubbles this summer! I suppose I will see most of them around for church, however, I am less than happy about how organized it was. Some parishioners have heard of my illness and what began as a promising friendship with one woman has turned estranged. I can only guess that she has heard some kind of gossip as I can present myself as peculiar at times when I don't recognize someone. To be unaware of this would be a blessing. As for their gossip and prejudices against my disability, I am giving serious thought to a fresh start in finding a new church home. I can do no more that let others judge for themselves what I am inwardly and really am, and do the same myself with them. The only essential thing is that I strive to have the light in myself.

Monday was fruitful! I have read Howard's book and he was at the gym. For reasons discussed in the previous paragraph I prefer to remain anonymous in most places I go. Howard was there and his silly self leading the class when the teacher was late. I see a whole new side to this person. Here is a man who has kept Albert Camus' confidences for 40 years, who has visted the Polish Underground shortly after World War II. Marcel Dupré has played the organ at his sermons at the American Church in Paris....and I could go on. He has rubbed elbows with world leaders past and present. By the end of class I have decided to be venturesome and tell him I have read his book. His first question was where did I get it? (Barnes & Noble) The next one is What did you think? Startled by the question only one word comes to mind Facinating ! ,I stammer out(What would a man so great care what a mid aged housewife think ??). He tells me quietly that he plans to lecture this year around the world about his book. He said he will be there Friday for sure and would be more than happy to autograph his book. I'm looking forward to asking him Friday where he will be lecturing. I hope it will be nearby, because I would love to hear him speak.

Summer has definitely hit and we are adjusting to the change in routine. I came into the kitchen yesterday and asked Number Two Son why the dishwasher was only halfway unloaded. I'm unloading between battles. he rationalizes. Ever on the lookout to help my children, thinking quickly I roll his seat in front of the dishwasher and join his comrades in battle on Everquest while he finished up.

Number One Son has car fever so I have spent some time with him at dealerships looking at Camaros. Another lesson in life to walk through with him. Different ways to buy a car and finance it, as well as, looking for a good quality car. It has been an introduction for now because after some discussion, his father and I are recommending that he consider waiting until he has two years of college under his belt before he commits to taking on any more debt.

Paul said, "Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me."
- 2 Timothy 4:10 (NRSV)

The sin of putting ourselves in the place where God belongs not only begets estrangement from the divine presence, but causes trouble between other human beings and ourselves. I recall a wise man saying to a friend, 'The whole trouble in our world is the lack of an apostrophe.' When the friend wanted to know what he meant, he said, 'Well look at Adolph Hitler and at Mussolini and at Josef Stalin and at Hideki Tojo-Whatyou see is this: men trying to be gods instead of trying to be God's.'
