Dear OSU Medical Center,

I have a suggestion for Stoneridge Women's Health in Dublin ... whenever the facility is ready for a decor change, could I suggest that whoever redecorates the place not focus quite so much on the baby pictures?

At present, the waiting room and most if not all of the exam rooms are decorated with large B&W photo posters of babies, pregnant women, etc.

While I agree that these photos are aesthetically pleasant from many perspectives, they're fairly depressing for those of us who want children but cannot have them, and are pretty brutal for any patients who want very much to have children but have found out they must terminate their pregnancies or who have just suffered miscarriages.  And considering how many pregnancies end in miscarriage, that's a sizable number of patients who get to miserably stare at a picture of a cute, cute baby in the waiting room for thirty minutes. The kind of baby they want so bad and may never get to have.

An alternate suggestion: pictures of flowers. Flowers are nice.  

Thanks for considering those of us who are just there for the gynecological services and not the obstetrics.

Best wishes,