Being Sunday, what seems to be the one day of the week for religion on this continent, I had planned to go to my own, almost meditative experience, Quaker Meeting for Worship. The idea is based upon spirituality and silence, and is essentially a period of extended silence with open reflections. Anyone can speak out, telling the house their thoughts, but is encouraged to keep the meeting, for the most part, quiet.

I hadn't gotten enough sleep last night, so I ditched the experience for my own meditation, in the form of sleeping late. I was pretty fucking tired, and it was quiet enough since no one was in the house. I don't mean to be sacreligious, I was just exhausted and couldn't make the trip.

Having spent the last night at my father's house, I had to make the trip back up to North York, being in Semi-downtown Toronto at the time. My father just had hip replacement surgery, so he couldn't drive. I took the Subway up.

If you're ever in Toronto, and on the subway you should know that the subway station between Castle Frank and Broadview is the most gorgeous sight for someone who's been in the underground for too long. It takes those on the train over a valley, bathing them in green. There are people jogging on paths below, a highway, railroad tracks, trees, and a view of what I believe is the scenic polluted Don River. I'm probably wrong. There's a video capture of it online - google "Broadview Castle Frank". Feel lucky.

I remember being on a train downtown with a friend, if that's what you want to call her. We passed the station, as I had before, and she was so captured that we took the train back to Castle Frank, and again to Broadview before going on our way. We saw it three times (she saw it four, because of her journey back uptown), and it never got old. I considered going back today, but decided, having had a partial falling out with that friend weeks before, that it wasn't a great idea.

Things like that short journey are things I never get the chance to do often enough. It's sad that it's too impractical to do, since the time I'd have to make for it would be too great an investment. The video just isn't the same.

That was today's semi-spiritual experience.