I had a dream my tongue had turned around in my mouth. There was a lot of dirty brownish pinks and the purple of your tongues veins. I have some birds eye images of me pawing at my throat but I’m not sure how much of the dreams visuals where i see myself occurred or are me filling in the sensations with images. My tongue had turned around and began to grow down my throat. Most of the dream was just colors and seeing the inside of my throat clogged (it looked like seeing through that camera they stick in peoples stomachs on medical shows) and my tongue, looking very internal organish, gorging with blood. I snapped into this dream. I remember the feeling that I had just left normal sleep. I was choking and could feel my tongue expanding. I remember the feeling around my collar bone when my tongue hit the soft base of my throat, wondering if it would expand throughout my chest or stay in its original form and head for the stomach. I had Kid A on rotation while I feel asleep.