My roommate Julie, thext's sister, who formerly shared the basement with me, informed me that there was a possibility we could engage in sexual intercourse if I could score her some marijuana and prophylactics.

Quick as a whistle I was out of the house and searching for these magical items, not because I had the slightest desire to do her but because it was a cool night, I was on my bicycle and I'd needed an excuse to leave the house anyway - I'd been cooped up in here for two days without going outside.

There was some unnecessary scariness in Little Amsterdam (looking unusually dock/warehousey), remnants of Fire-man's story about feeling irrationally threatened by a drunk junkie's inebriated lurch, but eventually the goods were got (at a good rate!) and I returned to the house to give Julie what she had asked for.

Before handing over the flotsam and jetsam I asserted that I expected no reward for my services but did it out of the goodness of my heart, at which point she told me that the offer had to be retracted anyway as she had since learned that she was working tomorrow morning and thus sex was completely out of the question - she should be asleep right now! I smiled at that irrelevant information and went back to my room to make web-pages indexing Lovecraftian domain names, trying to ignore the smell of pot smoke and the sounds of Julie getting sexed up by someone else from across the hallway.

in our last episode... | p_i-logs | and then, all of a sudden...